24 Oct. 1930 – 17 Feb. 2024
Johan Galtung
Ipeacedoctors honours the legacy of Johan Galtung, a towering figure in the field of peace studies. His profound insights into the nature of violence and his tireless advocacy for nonviolent solutions have left an indelible mark on the world.
Johan Galtung, considered the father of peace studies, was a true visionary who dedicated his life to creating a more peaceful world. His work continues to inspire us all to strive for a future free from violence and conflict. As a Peace Doctor, Johan truly carried the torch of peace.
Following his passing, Ipeacedoctors attended the Lay Down Arms Foundation Peace Prize in Oslo, 10th November 2024, to honour his legacy and support his work on conflict mediation. David Swanson, an anti-war activist and Executive Director of World Beyond War, was awarded the prize.